DHA was present at Economic Mission India 2015

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A Dutch business delegation with knowledge and expertise in various sectors visited India from 3-6 June. The delegation was lead by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte and joined by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen and the Minister for Agriculture, Sharon Dijksma.


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Read more about the article NGH Michalovce “First stone ceremony”
Poklepanie základného kameòa novej nemocnice spoloènosti Svet zdravia v Michalovciach. Michalovce, 31. marec 2015 Foto: Ivan Fleischer

NGH Michalovce “First stone ceremony”

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The construction of the new Svet Zdravia Next Generation Hospital Michalovce has begun. The hospital will offer a new quality of standard healthcare in Slovakia. The new building will group all essential medical services, which are currently accomodated in various hospital pavilions. (more…)

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